The Engaged Citizen. An engaged citizen is all an activist is and the routes may differ.
1. CALLS. Most effective and easy and time-friendly is to call your Senators and Reps in the House or reps at the state level or district level depending on the bill or ballot measure.
Do phone calls work? Yes. Here’s why. TWW-Bay Area met with Senator Dianne Feinstein. Sen. Feinstein’s magic number of calls that makes her sit up and listen is 30,000.
Organizations involved with calling:
Calls for Change: Each week they will send you all the information you need — from the right phone number to a sample script — so in just ten minutes you can make sure your voice is heard.
5 Calls: Five minutes a day, five calls.
2. LOCAL GROUPS. There are online and in-person local groups springing up around the country. Find one near you or join online. Often you have to request to join.
Organizations involved in group activism:
Together We Will — Originally the Pantsuit Nation, after the election, they became more politically focused. You can find out about actions they’re taking, get action alerts, and request to join the TWW Facebook page.
The Bay Area has several chapters:
Solidarity Sundays is a nationwide network of feminist activist groups focused on taking action to resist Trump on the 2nd second Sunday of each month. They gather in homes all around the country.
San Mateo County for Hillary — JAN 30, 2017
Send a postcard with the message:
“Don’t make America sick again. Improve Obamacare. Don’t repeal it.”
One envelope for every ACA supporter in your household…even if they are under 18 years old.
Just that simple message. Put it in an envelope, and put a stamp on it. TODAY January 30th, mail it to:
Pres. Donald Trump
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500